I believe that the best way to address your spine condition is to first get a diagnosis from a spine professional and then formulate a comprehensive treatment plan. Understanding your condition and all the options available for treatment is vital in getting you one step closer to the correct plan that best suits your lifestyle and improves your quality of life. I am providing information below for your convenience from three highly respected, world-renowned spine organizations for your perusal. Please read through it so you can start to understand your condition, seek answers to any questions you may have regarding the health of your spine, and begin your journey to recovery.

Introduction to the Spine and Prevention Tips for Back Pain

Spine Injuries (Low Back and Neck) and Their Causes

Neck Pain and Its Causes

Low Back Pain and Its Causes

Spinal Deformity in Children

Adult Spinal Deformity

Spine Diagnostic Tools

Spine Treatment Options

Spine Surgical Treatment